OSA VIVE’S YEAR IN REVIEW —ENGLISH VERSION BELOW—RESEÑA DEL AÑO DE OSA VIVE ¡2024 ha sido un año increíble para Osa Vive! Siga leyendo para conocer lo que hemos estado haciendo y…
Osa Vive fights against irresponsible development in the Southern Zone
Costa Rica’s Biodiversity
Fighting against irresponsible development in the Southern Zone, and beyond.
Development and Conservation
1980’s Primary Jungle Remaining in Costa Rica
2021 Jungle Coverage Through Reforestation
1980’s Primary Jungle Remaining in Costa Rica
2021 Jungle Coverage Through Reforestation
Osa Vive has been actively working with the Environmental Prosecutor’s office to unite and stop illegal, irresponsible development around the Southern Zone. They have given us a list of things that we should do to help them assist us. They are making this area a priority.
Years Fighting to Protect
the Magic of the Costa Ballena
Resources and Articles
OSA VIVE’S YEAR IN REVIEW —ENGLISH VERSION BELOW—RESEÑA DEL AÑO DE OSA VIVE ¡2024 ha sido un año increíble para Osa Vive! Siga leyendo para conocer lo que hemos estado haciendo y…
The plans that could destroy a mountainside forest The Dominical Project is a proposed $700 million mega project, planned to be built in and around Dominical. The project is split into…
A $27 million museum in Dominical? The $700 million Dominical Project has many shocking elements: four luxury hotels totaling 500 beds plus 450 condos, town houses, and villas adding another 1,000…
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